Shouro Dasgupta
Shouro is currently a Scientist at Fondazione CMCC and EIEE, and a Lecturer at Università Ca' Foscari Venezia.
Shouro Dasgupta
Shouro is currently a Scientist at Fondazione CMCC and EIEE, and a Lecturer at Università Ca' Foscari Venezia. His major research activities involve impacts of climate change on labour productivity and availability, human health, economic activity, energy supply, adaptive capacity, and migration using both micro and spatial econometrics. He is currently involved in Horizon 2020 project COACCH, investigating the impact of climate change on labour productivity/supply and energy consumption/supply. Shouro teaches courses on Statistics, Economics, and Econometrics courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels at Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia. He holds a PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change from the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (dissertation on the impacts of climate change on human health) and an MA in Economics from the University of New Hampshire.
New damage curves and multimodel analysis suggest lower optimal temperature
Nat. Clim. Chang. , 13, 434–441 - 2023
Climate change as a threat to health and well-being in Europe: focus on heat and infectious diseases
Publications Office of the European Union , Report No 7/2022 - 2022
Climate Change, Labor Availability, and the Future of Gender Inequality in South Africa
Climate and Development Journal , 21 May 2022 - 2022
Global Temperature Effects on Economic Activity and Equity: A Spatial Analysis
RFF Working Papers Series , Working Paper 22-1 - 2022
The 2022 Europe report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: towards a climate resilient future
The Lancet , VOLUME 7, ISSUE 11, E942-E965, - 2022
The 2022 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: health at the mercy of fossil fuels
The Lancet , VOLUME 400, ISSUE 10363, P1619-1654 - 2022
Sharing the burden: quantifying climate change spillovers in the European Union under the Paris Agreement
Spatial Economic Analysis , 16 April 2021 - 2021
A review of estimating population exposure to sea-level rise and the relevance for migration
Environmental Research Letters , August 2020 - 2020
Climate change and development in South Africa: the impact of rising temperatures on economic productivity and labour availability
Climate and Development Journal , - 2020
Climate Impacts on Nutrition and Labor Supply Disentangled – an Analysis for Rural Areas of Uganda.
Environment and Development Economics , March 2020, 1–26 - 2020
Impacts of climate change on energy systems in global and regional scenarios
Nature Energy , Volume 5, pages794–802(2020) - 2020
Inequality and growth impacts from climate change - insights from South Africa
RFF Working Papers Series , May 2020 - 2020
Competence analysis for promoting energy efficiency projects in developing countries: The case of OPEC
Energy , Volume 189, 15 December 2019, 115996 - 2019
Burden of climate change on malaria mortality
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health , Volume 221, Issue 5, June 2018, Pages 782-791 - 2018
The influence of institutions, governance, and public opinion on the environment: Synthesized findings from applied econometrics studies
Energy Research & Social Science , Volume 43, September 2018, Pages 77-95 - 2018