Accelerating and upscaling transformational adaptation in Europe: demonstration of water-related innovation packages

TransformAr aims to develop and demonstrate solutions and pathways to achieve rapid and far-reaching transformational adaptation across the EU. Cross-sectoral and multi-scale innovation packages, as the combination of solutions and pathways, will support regions and communities in their societal transformation towards climate change resilience. Transformational adaptation (TA) will be triggered by a co-innovation process that will co-create transformational adaptation pathways for six demonstrator regions and communities in Europe.
General Objectives
TRANSFORMAR aims to demonstrate solutions and pathways, deemed essential for climate and social resilience to achieve rapid and far-reaching Transformational adaptation.
Innovation Packages, as the combination of Transformational Adaptative Blocks and actionable adaptive solutions are co-developed and demonstrated.
Region-Specific Portfolios include Nature-Based Solutions, innovative technologies, financing, insurance and governance models, awareness and behavioural change solutions.
CMCC will consolidate data framework, with projections of climate/biophysical variables relevant to specific TA dimensions and provide a systematic review of economic valuation of climate change and loss damage functions for key relevant sectors and Key Community Systems (KCS). Integrated Risk Assessment of KCS across EU regions (Nuts-3 level) will be performed using Multi-criteria Decision Analysis based on structured bio-physical indicators of hazards and socio-economic dynamics under current and future climate conditions. An Econometric analysis of acceptance and preferences of adaptative solutions will be performed and to make broader use of the costs and benefits of the solutions and related innovation, a Benefit Transfer is proposed. CMCC will also enhance exchanges between local demonstrators’ Innovation Ecosystems and past and current adaptation networks where it has been involved in Europe.
Expected Results
TransformAr will contribute to several building blocks of the Blueprint for a new, more ambitious EU strategy on climate change adaptation. TransformAr will provide damage functions and related disaster loss data for floods and droughts across EU and will integrate them in cutting-edge macroeconomic modelling tools to provide an enhanced assessment of socio-economic impacts of climate change and TA for European countries and regions. TransformAr will support the EU Biodiversity Strategy by developing business cases for transformational adaptation. The project tackles three bioeconomy sectors: fisheries, aquaculture, agriculture, thus directly supporting the EU Bioeconomy Strategy. TransformAr will develop a methodology that specifies the macro-economic, social and environmental impact of reforms and Transformational adaptation investments across Europe.
Project Info
Funded by
European Commission
Start Date
01 October 2021
End Date
30 September 2025
48 months