Innovating STE(A)M in Higher Education with Transdisciplinary Talent Programs

STEAM+ is a large-scale innovative project with a holistic approach, aiming to provide educational policy makers with instruments to prepare new generations for handling the challenges of our time.
General Objectives
The EU-funded STEAM+ project aims at providing educational policy makers with instruments to prepare new generations for handling the challenges of our time.The STEAM+ project uses transdisciplinary talent programs as laboratories of innovation in higher education (HE).STEAM+ combines three key innovative elements:
- Applying a holistic approach, starting with grand challenges, using international, transdisciplinary and educational chain perspectives;
- Using the proven innovative power of transdisciplinary talent programs;
- Collaborating transnationally with 18 HE and policy partners and 34 enthusiastic associate partners to optimize dissemination of results and impact.
Expected Results
The project intends to create two main products:
- An instrument on how to establish transdisciplinary talent programs in HE: The STEAM+ Innovation Lab Implementation Path;
- An instrument for policy makers at HE, local, regional, national and EU levels to support and recognize (development of) such programs: the STEAM+ Menu for Policy Inspiration.
Project Info
Funded by
European Commission, Erasmus+
Start Date
01 January 2020
End Date
31 December 2022
36 months