Sino Italian capacity building for environmental protection

SICAB aims at promoting the exchange of scientific and technological expertise on the issues of environmental management and sustainable development. It foresees a range of courses and academic lectures, as well as field visits and study of best practices. High-level directors and officials, researchers of numerous Chinese institutions are the beneficiaries of this program. The training offer includes training modules divided into two years and consisting of modules to be delivered in Italy, and 9 modules to be delivered in China. The project includes not only training activities but also communication, business matching, monitoring and evaluation activities, the use of the Learning Management System platform and the Giornate Italia.
Expected Results
The project aims to provide the Italian Ministry of the Environment with a strategic platform for dialogue with China for the development of innovative technologies and innovative learning tools (distance learning and virtual community) aimed at obtaining the widest and active involvement of Italian public and private subjects and of Chinese institutions.
Project Info
Funded by
IMELS - Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea
Start Date
28 November 2017
End Date
27 November 2019
24 months