Growing Resilient, INclusive and Sustainable

The green, digital and sustainable mobility transitions and the associated societal transformations require a far from trivial process of adaptation. The actors of the system, firms, households and public administrations, face complex and changing environments and need to make choices under uncertainty, often under limited information and often facing limitations in their ability to process it and use if proficiently. To respond to these needs – GRINS – Growing Resilient, INclusive and Sustainable Extended Partnership will offer tools to support fundamental and applied research for firms and households and for policy analysis and evaluation of the actions of public administrations. The project is designed following the priorities set by the Italian National Research Plan (PNR) and in strict adherence with the fundamental underline goals that inspire the whole EU-NRRP action: favouring resilient, inclusive, and sustainable growth.
CMCC supports the development AMELIA (dAta platforM for the transfEr of knowLedge and statistIcal Analysis), an Online Data Platform giving access to high quality data and instruments for data analysis for a wide range of applications. CMCC coordinates WP1 in SPOKE 6: Low Carbon Policies. The WP focuses on the broader implications of climate change. It investigates the socio-economic and biophysical impacts of a changing climate and produces scenarios of how the world would look like if large investments required to tackle climate change are going to be implemented.
General Objectives
GRINS will provide:
- accurate measurement and multi-disciplinary analysis of socio-economic conditions of the actors of the economic system: firms, households, and public administrations.
- analysis of strategies and policies to improve the adaptation to the green, digital and mobility transitions and the resilience of firms, households and regions to economic and financial shocks.
- measurement of the factors underlying regional divides and gaps (in terms of infrastructure, human capital, entrepreneurship, quality of public services and efficiency of local public administrations), and the design of policies to favour territorial sustainability, the development of stagnant and peripherical regions, the reduction of the centre-periphery divides within cities.
Expected Results
The main result of GRINS is the release of the AMELIA platform. AMELIA guarantees interactivity, replicability, and scalability and it is centred around three major core themes:
- resilience of key economic actors (households, firms, public administrations),
- territorial, and
- social sustainability and the related enabling strategies. Its main value added is to allow accurate data integration of several heterogeneous data sources to build new knowledge for all relevant decision-making activities.
GRINS will also implement pilot initiatives as a first step to address long-standing problems both for researchers and decision makers, namely the integration of different existing administrative data with external information coming from ad-hoc surveys that will complement the existing (but partial) information from administrative sources. The work plan foresees specific exploitation activities to define a strategy for the long-terms sustainability of the initiative and survive after the end of the 3-year period of financial support granted by the NRRP. Among the sustainability scenarios to be taken into consideration there will be, for instance, the search for other public and private funds (through national and international funding programmes, such as Horizon Europe), and the possibility to raise resources through marketing some of the services provided by the platform.
Project Info
Funded by
Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca - European Union
Start Date
01 December 2022
End Date
30 November 2025
36 months