Conditions for Responsible Research of SRM – Analysis, Co-Creation, and Ethos

Experimental research on solar radiation modification (SRM) is controversial and feared to distract from climate change mitigation or lead to dangerous SRM use.
Co-CREATE seeks to help structure this decision problem through co-creative scoping, analysis, and engagement to develop principles and guidelines. Starting with a series of scoping notes that outline key dimensions of experimental SRM research, the project will analyze and develop decision-support tools by asking what we can learn from governance analogues, and how various (risk) evaluation frameworks may help identify key characteristics of research proposals. Furthermore, CO-CREATE itself will enter an extensive stakeholder and rightsholder dialogue that validates preliminary analytical work, ensures stakeholders' diverse dimensions of concern are included, and strengthens deliberative capacity.
Co-CREATE proposes guidelines and principles to facilitate decision-making by the relevant authorities on broader categories of experimental research of SRM and case-by-case decisions.
General Objectives
Co-CREATE general objective is to develop and propose – jointly with stakeholders – conditions
for and elements of a possible governance framework for experimental Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) research in the European Research Area (ERA). It structures the complex and normatively ambiguous decision problem surrounding SRM research to support decisions on the circumstances under which some experimental research may be appropriate.
Given this ambitious goal, the project will:
- clarify the critical dimensions of SRM experiments and SRM's potential and risks;
- operationalized SRM definitions and clarity on the applicability of present regulatory guidance in the ERA and its limitations;
- clarify the conditions for robust SRM research governance, evaluation frameworks, and
principles and guidelines; - propose an inclusive expert and stakeholder dialogue process.
Expected Results
CO-CREATE will contribute to advance the knowledge and governance regarding understanding of the potential contribution of SRM to climate stabilisation, and its associated risks supports through improved ability to structure general and specific decision-problems regarding SRM research and strengthened ability to highlight values and discern assumptions in judgments.
The project will help the EU, and its research partners to:
- Understand the benefits and risks of SRM and how to address them in decision-making
- Establish clear and consistent rules and guidelines for SRM research and experimentation
- Enhance the dialogue and cooperation among different actors and perspectives on SRM
- Support the development of safe and legitimate SRM research and deployment options
Project Info
Funded by
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA)
Start Date
01 January 2024
End Date
31 December 2026
36 Months