NAVIGATE Kick-off meeting 11-13 September 2019
The NAVIGATE kick-off meeting will take place on 11-13 September 2019 at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in Potsdam, Germany. NAVIGATE (“Next generation of AdVanced InteGrated Assessment modelling to support climaTE policy making”) is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme and carried out by a consortium of 15 […]
Adapting to a changing world – 24 August 2019
Courmayeur, Aosta – 24 August 2019 The 2019 Edtion of “Scienze in vetta” the festival of Science of Courmayeur this year will have the title “Adapting to a changing world”. Elena Verdolini, EIEE senior researcher, has been invited to give a lecture during the event. The lecture will be organised during a panel on entitled […]
Removing CO2 from the atmosphere? We can do it but huge innovation is required
A new Nature Communications study has shown the potential of Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS), a new technology for removing CO2 directly from the atmosphere, in helping to limit global temperature rise and lowering the costs of achieving the Paris objectives. However, the authors note that these technologies should be used as part of […]
Urban Road Pricing and the Environment: Lessons from Milano and London – May 21st 2019
Cities have deployed innovative policies to reduce urban pollution and incentivize green transportation. At the same time, cities face unprecedented environmental and pollution challenges. It is time to take stock of experiences, evaluate their effectiveness and see how to improve and expand them. This workshop will discuss the environmental impacts of urban policies for two […]
Capital stranding cascades: The impact of decarbonisation on productive asset utilisation – 9 May 2019
This article develops a novel methodological framework to investigate the exposure of economic systems to the risk of physical capital stranding. Combining Input-Output (IO) and network theory, we define measures to identify both the sectors likely to trigger relevant capital stranding cascades and those most exposed to capital stranding risk. We show how, in a […]
Prof. William Nordhaus lecture at the EIEE Launch Event – 11 June, 2019
The launch of the European Institute on Economics and the Environment Launch Event will take place on 11 June 2019. The meeting will be opened by Richard Newell (RFF President), Antonio Navarra (CMCC President), Massimo Tavoni (Director RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment and Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano). The event will […]
The Economic and Social Review Lecture
At Irish Economic Association Annual Conference 2019, Prof. Valentina Bosetti, Professor of Economics, Bocconi University and Member IPCC will have a keynote session with the title: “Integrated Assessment Models of Climate Change. Everything you ever wanted to know but never dared ask“ 5:30pm – 7:00pm Thursday, 9 May 2019 For more info, please visit this […]
Understanding Climate Models, with Massimo Tavoni
Host Kristin Hayes talks with Massimo Tavoni, the director of the RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment and an associate professor at the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano in Milan, Italy. They discuss integrated assessment models, what they are, how they’re used in studying climate change, and why they matter for […]
IPCC Working Group III authors meet in Scotland
Experts from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will meet in Edinburgh on 1-5 April 2019 to launch their work on the Working Group III contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report. Among more than 180 authors from more than 65 countries Elena Verdolini, Valentina Bosetti and Massimo Tavoni will be there to start preparing […]
Scenarios Forum 2019 – March 2019
The goal of the Scenarios Forum is to bring together a diverse set of communities who are using or developing scenarios for use in climate change and sustainability analysis to: exchange experiences, ideas, and lessons learned; identify opportunities for synergies and collaboration; identify knowledge gaps for future research. More info here Laurent Drouet, Lara Marangoni, […]