News(Page 7)


Green Cooling: Meeting the SDG Gaps Time: 16:45‐18:15, December 2nd 2019 Venue: Meeting Room No.6, COP25, Madrid Organizers: Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation (iCET), Renmin University of China (RUC), Ca’ Foscari University, Venice (UNIVE). Società Italiana per le Scienze del Clima (SISC) Sponsor: Centro Euro‐Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC), China Energy Conservation Coalition (CECC), […]

CAPACITY BUILDING WORKSHOP 22 November 2019 RFF-CMCC EIEE and PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency Consortium meeting, capacity building 11:00 – 13:00 Capacity building – livestreamed and interactive – L Drouet: “Introducing optimization techniques for decision making” (30 min) – M Giuliani: “Balancing competing multisector services via multi-objective optimization and a-posteriori decision making.” (1 hour 30 […]

Fourth COMMIT Project Meeting  21-22 November 2019 COMMIT is a project funded by European Union’s DG CLIMA e EuropeAid, with the aim of improving modelling of national low-carbon emission pathways and improving analysis of country contributions to the global ambition of the Paris Agreement Here you can find the AGENDA.

A new study published on the prestigious journal Nature Climate Change highlights how climate-related damages impact on the stability of the global banking system. Climate change will increase the frequency of banking crises while rescuing insolvent banks will cause an additional fiscal burden and an increase of public debt to GDP by a factor of […]

COP21 RIPPLES is organising, on Tuesday 22nd October, the Brussels Policy Dialogue, to discuss the adequacy of the global response to the 2015 Paris Agreement. We will present a synthesis of key findings and discuss their implications for climate policy, with a focus on technology, finance, industrial transformations and the political economy. Ramiro Parrado will […]

RFF-CMCC-EIEE  Webinar | 22 October, 2019 – h. 12:00 pm CEST Striving to align investment decisions to a 1,5°C trajectory: EU taxonomy and EU climate benchmarks Presenter: Sara Lovisolo, Group Sustainability Manager, London Stock Exchange Group Moderator: Massimo Tavoni, Director of RFF-CMCC EIEE and Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano The Technical Expert Group on […]

Climate change has increased the frequency and intensity of natural disasters. Does this translate into increased economic damages? To date, empirical assessments of damage trends have been inconclusive. A new study demonstrates a temporal increase in extreme damages, after controlling for a number of factors. Coronese M., Lamperti F., Keller K., Chiaromonte F., Roventini A., (2019), […]

From 30 September to 4 October, IPCC Working Group III will organise the Second Lead Author Meeting in New Delhi, India Chapter outline to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) is available here. EIEE Participants: Elena Verdolini: Contribution to Chapter 16: Innovation, technology development and transfer Valentina Bosetti: Contribution to Chapter 1:  Introduction and Framing […]