Sara Giarola
Sara Giarola is Marie Curie Research Fellow at the Polytechnic University of Milan. She works on modelling the technological, epistemic, and socio-economic uncertainty in climate economic models using machine learning techniques.
She received her PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Padova in 2012. She joined Imperial College London in 2012, became a BG Research Fellow in 2014, at the Sustainable Gas Institute, and in 2020, she joined the Chemical Engineering Department. Her research interests lie in macro-energy systems with a focus on the multiscale modelling to capture the nexus between technology diffusion and societal behaviour. In the area of energy systems modelling and optimisation, she published 36 journal articles and 3 book chapters.
Dr Sara Giarola is the lead developer of a novel agent-based energy systems model (MUSE, the ModUlar energy Systems Simulation Environment), which has been used to inform assessment the IPCC AR6 on the estimation of the current level of policy ambitions of climate policies. Since 2017, she participates in Energy Modelling Forum and Integrated Assessment Modelling Consortium.
In the area of sustainability, Dr Sara Giarola works in techno-economic analysis, multiscale modelling, process and supply chain optimisation, life cycle assessment as well as development of advanced biorefineries. She develops decision making aiding tools for stakeholders in the design of biofuels supply chains using economic, environmental, financial metrics, and geo-spatial data.