Jonathan Spinoni
Jonathan is research fellow at the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan and affiliated scientist at EIEE. He has sixteen years of experience as climate scientist, authoring more than fifty scientific publications and also contributing to the Sixth Assessment Report of the IPCC, the World Atlas of Desertification (3 rd ed.), the GAR Special Report on Drought 2021, and the Copernicus’ European State of Climate 2022. After the PhD in physics obtained at the University of Milan, he worked as post-doc researcher at the same university and later moved to the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, where he spent the last eleven years as post-doc researcher, data analyst, researcher, and project officer. During his career, he focused mainly on climate extremes, drought, and desertification, investigating past tendencies and future projections. In the last few years, he contributed to the development of the Global Drought Observatory and was involved in PESETAIV, TRACE, Covenant of Mayors, Forest@Risk, and EDORA projects. He is part of the CORDEX community and involved in the activities of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. Currently, his research focuses on deep uncertainties of climate and socio-economic scenarios, but also on the analysis of the impacts of climate-related hazards on population, land-use, and ecosystems.