NewsIn memory of Ray Kopp

EIEE - European Institute on Economics and the Environment

In memory of Ray Kopp

It was with sadness that we learned of the passing of Raymond J. Kopp on 19 August 2024.

Ray Kopp was a senior fellow and director of the International Climate Policy Initiative at RFF – Resources for the Future, and a world expert in economic policy related to climate change.

He was also a key initiator and supporter of the collaboration with RFF, as Massimo Tavoni, director of the European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE) at CMCC explains in his message:

“Ray was a believer in the value of international collaborations for making progress on climate change. He fostered cooperation with our researchers and was one of the prominent architects of the 2018 agreement between CMCC and RFF, which led to the establishment of the European Institute on Economics and the Environment.  He had a patient yet determined style in all he did, from climate change research to car racing. We will miss the time meeting and talking about international climate policy at a time when global cooperation on climate is more needed than ever and yet more uncertain”.