A Resilience information platform for Adriatic cities and towns

ADRIADAPT aims at promoting local and regional resilience by developing the knowledge base required to identify suitable climate adaptation and planning options, thereby enabling local authorities to respond to policy needs related to climate action in urban and coastal zones of the project area (coastal regions of Italy and Croatia along the Adriatic Sea).
General Objectives
ADRIADAPT’s objectives are:
- Harmonize and improve available climate related knowledge generated by existing national and European monitoring and data collection networks, and produce high resolution datasets and projections that provide detailed and reliable information on climate-related impacts in the regions, which will be shaped into readily-usable forms for the decision making process.
- Create a climate information system or knowledge platform for the Adriatic region containing best practices, guidance documents, legal frameworks and climate and vulnerability studies, to foster the design of multi-scale adaptation and resilience plans and measures, which will support safe and sustainable socio-ecological systems, linking natural, social and economic dynamics that cross transversally from the inland, coastal and marine areas in the two partner countries.
- Test and integrate the knowledge platform with partners from the participating Italian and Croatian pilot cities and extended urban areas where adaptation and resilience plans will be designed.
- Maintain and disseminate the information contained in the knowledge platform as a region specific repository for climate policy and plans, which provides support and locally relevant information for follower cities aiming at climate resilience planning.
Expected Results
ADRIADAPT will build a platform with tools and knowledge for local climate planning (toolbox) tested with local authorities, local sets of climate information, climate resilience plans.
Project Info
Funded by
European Commission, Interreg Italy- Croatia
Start Date
01 January 2019
End Date
30 June 2021
24 Months