Yeong Jae Kim
Yeong Jae Kim is Affiliated scientist at EIEE and Assistant Professor at KDI School of Public Policy and Management, in Korea.
Yeong Jae Kim
Yeong Jae Kim is an associate professor at KDI School of Public Policy and Management in Korea. He is also an affiliated scientist at EIEE. He has been a visiting professor at KAIST College of Business. He holds a Ph.D. in Public Policy (Environmental Economics) from Georgia Institute of Technology and a Master in Agricultural Economics at Texas A&M University.
His main interest is in applied economic analysis, with a focus on the dynamics of innovation, technology transfer, green growth, and the economic impacts of environmental and energy policies. Core topics of research are the impacts of existing and planned energy and climate policies on key economic outcomes and indicators, such as competitiveness, including trade, productivity, and innovation.
As an environmental economist, he quantified the impact of environmental and energy policy instruments on innovation and the innovation spillovers across sectors and countries, focusing on clean energy technologies. He also explored the extent to which the dynamics of embodied emission in trade are affected by changes in the stringency of environmental policies.
Prior to joining EIEE, he was a senior researcher at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research in the U.K. He worked on the project called SET-Nav. During the project, he operationalised a conceptual framework of energy technology innovation systems developed by Professors Arnulf Grubler (IIASA), Kelly Gallagher (Tufts), Greg Nemet (Wisconsin), and Charlie Wilson (Tyndall). He extended and developed a comprehensive set of indicators to measure influential innovation system processes and applied it in several empirical contexts.
A critical review of green growth indicators in G7 economies from 1990 to 2019
Sustainability Science , - 2023
International knowledge spillovers in energy technologies
Energy Strategy Reviews , - 2023
Constructing efficient portfolios of low-carbon technologies
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews , - 2021
The Air Quality Effects of Uber
RFF Working Papers Series , Working Paper (21-34) - 2021
Assessing the Impact of a Demand-Resource Bidding Market on an Electricity Generation Portfolio and the Environment
Energy Policy , Volume 147, December 2020, 111918 - 2020
Analysing Energy Innovation Portfolios from a Systemic Perspective
Energy Policy , 134, 110942 - 2019
Analysing Future Change in the EU's Energy Innovation System
Energy Strategy Reviews , Volume 24, April 2019, Pages 279-299 - 2019