Europe's Moment: Designing Effective Policies in Energy Storage Technology for Renewables

RE-DESIGN project investigates how sustainable investment in renewable energy storage can be fostered through effective policy design that includes prosumers (energy-producing consumers), starting in the EU.
It is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships. CMCC hosts the project and offers scientific supervision to the Fellow, Dr. Esmeralda Colombo. Dr. Andrea Bigano (ECIP Division) is the project Scientific Supervisor and Giulia Galluccio (ISCD Division) is the co-supervisor.
General Objectives
Empowering and coordinating prosumers and businesses through effective policy design is one of the most promising strategies for the EU to achieve its vision of a citizen-oriented energy future and 100% renewable energy system by 2050.
The multidisciplinary nature of the project is strong, involving policy design, EU and international law and sustainable finance. It includes a two-way transfer of knowledge and the training of the candidate in advanced techniques in energy and climate economics. In line with the European Green Deal, the proposed policy is poised to increase EU competitiveness in Energy Storage Technology for renewable energy, and results are transferrable.
Expected Results
The project entails that the researcher, Esmeralda Colombo, will carry out a fellowship to investigate and offer a regulatory proposal on how sustainable investment to store renewable energy can be fostered at the private and public level through effective policy design that includes prosumers (energy-producing consumers), starting in the European Union (EU). The project advances sustainable development goals at a time when resources are particularly scarce (post–Covid-19). Last, it can provide other regions with a blueprint for financing decarbonization through a strengthened role of energy storage technology (EST) for renewables.
Project Info
Funded by
European Commission
Start Date
01 September 2022
End Date
31 August 2024
24 months