ECEMP 2024
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ECEMP 2024

Event details
October 16, 2024
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Energy Transition Scenarios for a Climate Neutral Europe

The European Climate and Energy Modelling Platform (ECEMP) conference programme is now available! You can download it on the ECEMF website.


The overarching topic is: Energy Transition Scenarios for a Climate Neutral Europe. 


The conference will span two days, featuring a diverse range of sessions, plenary discussions, and networking opportunities.


Day 1 | Policies to reach Climate Neutrality

Day 2 | Frontiers in Energy and Climate Modelling


ECEMP has a hybrid format, allowing for both online and in-person attendance (for the last option, please email organizers).


For further information please contact the organizers at:


EIEE is a partner of the project ECEMF, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101022622.