Energy Demand changes Induced by Technological and Social innovations

The EDITS network brings together experts of various disciplines to regularly discuss about and engage in the multi-faceted energy demand research. The EDITS community works together based on common interest in interlinked topics, on transferring methodological knowledge, and on exploring modeling innovations across demand-side models.
General Objectives
The aim of the experts and researchers forming the EDITS network is to identify gaps and potentials to enhance modeling, analyzing, and communicating the demand-side solutions for climate mitigation and the SDGs. EDITS focuses on enhancing both the human and the technical resources of demand side research and policy support by operating an expert network and a demand-side model complementarity exercise. EDITS reviews current practices, gaps and potentials in empirical research and demand-side modeling across three demand sectors: buildings, transport and industry. The work is extended to identifying interlinkages across sectors along a low energy demand future, as well as understanding the implications of cross-cutting aspects (such as digitalization, inequalities, energy access, decent living standards) for the sectors.
Expected Results
Improve the state-of-art demand modelling in environmental and climate policy analyses; better design new low energy demand scenarios; inform policy in service provision models such as digitalization; better integration of SDG and climate objectives.
Project Info
Funded by
Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE)
Start Date
04 November 2020
End Date
31 March 2024