Localised decarbonisation pathways for citizens, local administrations and businesses to inform for mitigation and adaptation action

LOCALISED is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme and carried out by a consortium of 12 European organisations. The LOCALISED project pulls together a multidisciplinary consortium that includes experienced research institutions, local city authorities - that will inform the development and testing of the LOCALISED tools, as well as associated partners like Assolombarda, which will provide insights regarding the business sector.
General Objectives
The objective of LOCALISED is to downscale national decarbonization trajectories consistent with Europe's netzero target to the local levels and provide the results to local authorities, citizens and businesses, in a way that would speed up the uptake of mitigation and adaptation actions. Other important objectives are the introduction of an adapted-to-case service, based on real and local data, that allows the concretion, implementation and monitoring of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAP). In addition, it will provide end-user solutions for regional businesses, business organisations and investors in line with decarbonisation pathways developed by linking and enriching model outputs with econometric analysis, case studies, and expert elicitations.
Expected Results
The project will create effective and clearly understandable tools that transform localised data on possible decarbonisation pathways by 2030 and 2050 into knowledge for action. The tools will allow local authorities and policy-makers as well as citizens and businesses, to identify viable combinations and best practices of (sectoral) mitigation and adaptation measures for every NUTS3 region on how to reach the goals of the downscaled pathways and to introduce an adapted-to-case service for implementation and monitoring of SECAP. The project will engage with EU citizen groups to inform how climate change and different EU net-zero scenarios positively and negatively affect their life: three local and five associated partners from local and regional administrations and business organizations will inform the development and test the tools.
Project Info
Funded by
European Commission
Start Date
01 October 2021
End Date
30 September 2025
48 months