Climate and cultural based design and market valuable technology solutions for Plus Energy Houses

CULTURAL-E is a H2020 Project with the aim to define modular and replicable solutions for Plus Energy Houses (PEHs), accounting for climate and cultural differences, while engaging all key players involved in the building life cycle; and to create comfortable, efficient, and affordable indoor environments.
General Objectives
The overall objective of this project is to define a viable, and tailorable concept and business case for Plus Energy Houses. Successful implementation requires an integrated climate and cultural approach that encompasses overall configuration, technology selection, and user/systems interaction. While the socio-technical combinations will vary across contexts, CULTURAL-E solution sets will be comprehensive and easily replicable, thanks to reliable methods and practical guidelines.
Expected Results
CULTURAL-E will generate the following expected impacts:
- minimal upfront additional construction cost (extra-cost) of a Plus Energy House in comparison to a 2020 nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB 2020) ranging from 92€/m2 towards 150 €/m2, with a payback time from 4 to 8 years;
- minimisation of CO2 emissions between -20% to -43% of the EU emissions towards 2050 for the residential sector;
- reduction in overheating risk from -29% to -78% according to the climatic context of the overheating period;
- increased market uptake of PEH concepts becoming common practice in approximately 10% of the housing market.
Project Info
Funded by
European Commission, H2020
Start Date
01 January 2022
End Date
31 March 2025
33 months