Call for paper: ECEMP 2024
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Call for paper: ECEMP 2024

Event details
July 1, 2024
Online Event
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ECEMP 2024 Conference
Energy Transition Scenarios for a Climate Neutral Europe

ECEMP 2024 is on! Reaching climate neutrality will require large-scale deployment of renewable energy technologies, improving energy efficiency, and strengthening energy security. This demands significant investment in energy infrastructure and incentivizing innovation in the Energy Transition. Energy and climate models offer valuable insights to chart a path towards a carbon-neutral future.

ECEMP 2024 is dedicated to showcasing the latest policy-relevant findings derived from analyses of climate and energy models. The event also serves as a meeting point to discuss latest research trends in developing collaborative modelling exercises. The scope and thematic areas of the event include (not limited to):

  • Realizing the 2040 targets: What policy measures and innovations should be accelerated? What major investments and PCIs are imminent?
  • Latest trends, assessments and definitions of Energy Transition scenarios, how do we reach European climate targets?
  • Comparing modelling frameworks for better implementation: How to compare results between models?
  • Developing detail energy and climate models in space and time, but also need to have more sectoral detail, e.g., sectoral targets (grid expansion, H2, etc)
  • Inter-comparison among models, how to standardize the visualization of different models?
  • Broadening approach to modelling: circular economy, socio economic and behaviour aspects,
  • Assessing model implementation of different targets: Developing common metrics across models, input data harmonization and common standards
  • Understand and showcase distributional implications of the model implementation.

ECEMP 2024 is organized by various EU funded projects under the Horizon Europe programme, DGs at the European Commission and other initiatives. The active participation of these projects makes ECEMP 2024 possible.

The main projects organizing and leading ECEMP 2024 under a joint effort are the following:

  • Date: October 2024 (Exact dates to be announced soon)
  • Call for abstracts: Please take a look at the ECEMP 2024 website!
  • ECEMP Organizing Committee: Pedro Crespo del Granado (Chair), Sebastian Zwickl Bernhard (co-Chair), Tars Vershelde (co-Chair), Juha Kiviluoma (co-Chair), and Johannes Emmerling (co-Chair).

ECEMP 2024 will be a hybrid event, featuring segments dedicated to policy-relevant research results as well as in-depth discussions on the latest trends in modelling development. All the event will be online with few hybrid sessions.